Tuesday 6 October 2015

A Very Happy Autumn!

A Very Happy Autumn 

Autumn as you will probably know if you follow me on Insta, is one of my fave times of year. 
It's just so pretty and luscious. 
I also find it fascinating how everything is so beautiful, despite the fact that it's life is coming to an end.

Leaves turn burnt red and orange as they start to shrivel and fall to the ground. 
Crisp leaves crunch under your feet as they lie there waiting to disintegrate, as winter slowly draws in and takes hold. 

And yet it's stunning. The trees, the berries, the sunsets. All of it. 

I have already spent a great deal of autumn outside enjoying it, taking it in and I intend to do a lot more before the trees become bare and winter fully sets in. 

There's something so uplifting about being outdoors, especially at this time of year. 
Hope you enjoy my pics,
Jodie xx

A quick catch up

A quick catch up!
It's been so long since my last blog post. I've been meaning to write since I got home from Florida as I have so many posts I want to do. 
Yet despite my good intentions, I have just been too busy living my life and enjoying it to actually sit down and blog about it. 
In a nut shell; I absolutely loved Florida and didn't want to come home, I ate and shopped till I dropped and have a seriously large haul to do very soon. September means back to uni and lots to do, so there's also been that keeping me away from my blog page. 
And autumn. I just love autumn. I cannot get enough of being outdoors, walking the dog, watching the sunsets and taking pictures of all the stunning autumn shades (which I will post about very soon).
This weekend should be a quiet one for me.. so I'm hoping to get some posts done as I have an awful lot to write about.
 I've finally left the weekend consuming world of retail and have been enjoying spending time with my loved ones instead of working my weekends away.
Jodie xx